FEATHERBOARD WRITING SERIES: pringle, cunningham + warren

[Sat Jun 2 12Steffi Drewes hosted the Featherboard Writing Series at Oakland’s Aggregate Space. The show recurs with the gallery’s changing exhibits, so roughly every six weeks, but you can send an email here to stay in the know and send a line here to get updates from the space, which also screens weekly films in its oversized home theater (yeah). There were snacks and you can purchase cheap drinks.

Readers were kathryn l. pringle, Brent Cunningham, and Alli Warren:

kathryn l. pringle | fault tree and Right New Biology

Brent Cunningham | Bird & Forest and Journey to the Sun

Alli Warren | @ ‘Lectric Collective and Writers With Drinks

The next Featherboard will be on Saturday, July 21 at 5pm.