NCBPMA: janet fouts on social media

[ Wed Mar 28 12 ]

As part of the Northern California Book Publicity and Marketing Association‘s lunch series event series, Janet Fouts gave a presentation and led a conversation on social media tips and tricks at Hotel Rex San Francisco. Below is a basic index of each video:

  1. Start with the Author: create relationships, reciprocity, how do you want to communicate — it’s you; it’s not the company that people like
  2. Twitter: scheduling and saturation (Buffer app), how to get te conversation going (the 80/20 rule): share what you think, not just titles: original thought. Feed your channels or be the guy with one channel and a broad interest.
  3. Twitter: ‘successful’ author accounts. PeerIndex and Klout. Strategy for following: picture, bio, is what they’re telling you they’re about really what they’re about? Is anyone else talking about them? Look at their tweets: if they’re not talking to anyone else they’re not going to talk to me, so why bother? Then: who are they following? Favorites. …
  4. Twitter: Background picture, links and tracking, sponsored tweets | Blogging: what is your book going to be about? Give people reasons to want to read it. Try not to be boring. Get somebody to comment first so people will join the conversation. Blog tours: targeting specific blogs for each book (Pump Up Your BookDiane Saarinen). Getting to people on a personal level: egos, page ranks,
  5. The Now Revolution. QR Codes, links, and tweets in eBooks | Facebook: character profiles, building your page around you and not the book, personal vs. business pages, privacy and untagging via Photobox!
  6. Google +: circles and public posts, personal vs. company profiles, Hootsuite and Sprout Social, Hub Spot: nurture leads
  7. Public speaking: tell people you’re using social media, maybe have somebody live tweet your events, putting excerpts of your books up in advance, using SlideShare, LinkedIn and Pinterest

Click “Play” to watch all, “Next” to skip forward, or the small “Playlist” screen (to the right of the video time) to see thumbnails and watch them directly.
