[youtube_video width=399 height=233]List 1[/youtube_video]

Above is the full show from Sunday, September 25th, 2011. Click “Play” to watch all, “Next” to skip forward, or the small “Insert” screen (to the right of the video time) to see  author thumbnails and watch them directly. For the Live Writing exercise (Authors 2-5), the prompt was “His hands were in the sink.” [What’s Live Writing, you ask? Four authors have 10 minutes to respond to an audience-chosen prompt and then read the results aloud. The audience then votes on a winner. The winner returns the following month to read a fleshed-out version. See Tim Bauer below, for example.] Authors are, in this order:

  1. Tim Bauer
  2. Nora Boxer
  3. Cyndi Cadi
  4. Janine Kovak
  5. Melissa Da Silveira Serpa
  6. Leslie Ingham
  7. Will Boast
  8. Isaac Fitzgerald