Better Ancestors 6: Lorenz Mazon Dumuk, Donté Clark, Kevin Madrigal Galindo & Landon Smith

Better Ancestors 6: Lorenz Mazon Dumuk, Donté Clark, Kevin Madrigal Galindo & Landon Smith

Quiet Lightning presents the sixth Better Ancestors, a quarterly series showcasing writers of color, at Medicine for Nightmares on Monday, April 4, 2022. Hosted by Kevin Dublin and featuring, in order of appearance:

Click on the three horizontal lines in the top right of the video to access the full lineup.

Read more about the series here, but know that the above artists have each invited someone to perform at the next event, tentatively to be held in-person on July 4, 2022. More information will be posted soon at

Pictured above, from left: Landon Smith, Lorenz Mazon Dumuk, Donté Clark, Kevin Madrigal Galindo