LIVE AT 851: haber, fenner, mohr + blackwell

Janey Smith hosted the final show of the first year of the Live at 851 readings, featuring (in the following order):

  1. An introduction
  2. Zack Haber
  3. Derek Fenner
  4. Josh Mohr
  5. Gabriel Blackwell

by Nick Rutkaus

Watch other episodes:

  • October 22 12: Matthew Sherling, Sara Wintz, Eric Raymond + Ken Baumann
  • September 12 12: M Kitchell, Jarrett Kobek, Dean Smith, Lorian Long, John Tottenham + Elly Jonez
  • March 13 12: Shruti Swamy, Lindsey Bolt, Sarah Fran Wisby, Andrea Kneeland + Thomas Patrick Levy
  • Dec 27 11: Janey Smith, Mike Kitchell + Mike Young