FINE FINE MUSIC BY CASSIE J. SNEIDER: for friendship, fulfillment, and that loving feeling you’ve been longing for

I first heard of Cassie J. Sneider on a visit to my local record store. She had apparently done a book signing the week before and had left some quirky, fold-out poster size autobiographical comics in her wake. Being the pack rat that I am, I grabbed as many different copies as I could find, did my usual browsing, and headed homewards. Upon getting home I devoured every last one of those comics. I had no idea who this woman was, but I had to have more. At the bottom of each comic there was an invitation:

For friendship, fulfillment, and that loving feeling you’ve been longing for, write to:

The Cassie J. Sneider Fanclub INTERNATIONAL
PO Box 2333, Lake Ronkonkoma, NY 11779

I wrote, and got a letter back a week or so later: a two-pager with mention of having come across a photo album full of Polaroids of naked old people, a creepy cat postcard, and another comic.

I have a bad habit of developing an unhealthy obsession with authors and artists I stumble across, and Cassie was no exception. Maybe it was hard to resist the allure of bare naked geriatrics, but it’s hard not to get sucked into the tales she tells. Stories of retail hell, pushy parking lot dwelling candy-toting charity kids, and the unfuckable* rut that many of us ugly kids dealt with for most of our prepubescent lives abound in this book. Cassie’s stories always seem to borderline on the unbelievable, but something about them always keeps a firm foot in the realm of plausibility. Maybe that’s why I’m currently on my second read-through. This girl is wickedly funny and deserves your utmost attention.

For friendship, fulfillment, and that loving feeling you’ve been longing for, pick up this joint. After that, write her and tell her how balls to the wall awesome she is. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to go brush up on my air guitar.

*She also taught me a new word.

Alex Howze

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