Beautiful Black Books featuring Tolu Agbelusi!

online CA, United States

Poetry Center San José presents its new program Beautiful Black Books featuring Tolu Agbelusi reading and in conversation with host Tshaka Campbell! Tolu Agbelusi is...


Jessamyn Stanley, Yoke

online CA, United States

VIRTUAL EVENT: Bestselling author and staff favorite Jessamyn Stanley (Every Body Yoga) will join us online to discuss her new book, Yoke: My Yoga of Self-Acceptance,...


Omar El Akkad, What Strange Paradise

online CA, United States

Writer and journalist Omar El Akkad, author of the acclaimed book American War, will be in conversation with Lauren Markham about his new book What Strange...


Nicole Stott with Kishore Hari

online CA, United States

RSVP "Nicole's wonderful book maps her extraordinary journey from Earth to space and back again. She teaches us how to see our world as the...


Sandra Cisneros, Martita, I Remember You

online CA, United States

Bookshop Santa Cruz is delighted to welcome acclaimed and bestselling author Sandra Cisneros for a ticketed online event celebrating her new book, Martita, I Remember You...


Jewell Parker Rhodes, Paradise on Fire

online CA, United States

FREE VIRTUAL EVENT: Bookshop welcomes award-winning and bestselling author Jewell Parker Rhodes for an online event celebrating her new book, Paradise on Fire, a powerful coming-of-age...


Max Chafkin on Thiel’s Pursuit of Power

online CA, United States

RSVP "Whether you admire him or fear him, Peter Thiel's influence has been undeniable. In this deeply reported and gripping biography, Max Chafkin reveals the...


Joanna Ho

online CA, United States

RSVP This is an online event Join us to celebrate the launch of Joanna Ho’s beautiful new picture book, Playing at the Border: A Story...


Gary Paulsen, How to Train Your Dad

online CA, United States

Bookshop Santa Cruz is delighted to welcome acclaimed and bestselling author Gary Paulsen for a virtual event celebrating his new middle grade novel, How to Train...


Rick Riordan

online CA, United States

TICKETS RICK RIORDAN IS BACK! Join us online to hear Rick Riordan tell us all about his new action-packed underwater adventure, Daughter of the Deep, an exciting...
