Sun Jan 23 11, Fivepoints Arthouse

(Evan Karp)

If you haven’t you should check out videos from {Blush}. This month’s Portuguese Artists Colony gave us several contenders for Pick of the Week, but ultimately there was no way we could pass on “Lonnie Lancaster and the Bionic Man,” by Alia Volz.

Aldo takes my face between his hands and kisses me softly on the lips. Then he gets eager and sucks my bridge right off my gum. I push away, trot to the bathroom and chuck it into the drawer. That’s when I catch my reflection in the mirror. My hair is frizz-frazzled and it’s all stuck to one side of my face. I look like that tabloid shot of Nick Nolte when he got the DUI.

We have a full calendar! Check it out.